Chennai, Aug 7 (IANS) Malayalam superstar Mohanlal, who got an opportunity to visit India's first Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC), IAC Vikrant, has called the battleship "a true engineering marvel" and expressed the wish that she always be victorious.
Taking to Instagram to pen his thoughts on the visit to the aircraft carrier, Mohanlal said: "Honoured to be onboard India's first Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC), soon to be commissioned as Vikrant, built in Cochin Shipyard Limited, Kerala.
"After 13 long years of dedicated construction, she sets sail as a true engineering marvel that further fortifies the Indian Navy and speaks volumes about India's shipbuilding capabilities.
"I express my heartfelt gratitude for this matchless opportunity, especially to the Commanding Officer, Commodore Vidhyadhar Harke, VSM, and Madhu Nair, the Chairman and Managing Director of Cochin Shipyard Limited, for their warm reception.
"Witnessing the unmatched peculiarities of this mean machine urges me to triumphantly salute all the people behind IAC Vikrant, the wonder. May she always be victorious at sea!"
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