Bengaluru, April 12 (IANS) Bollywood superstar Sanjay Dutt, who is currently shooting for 'KD', a Kannada pan-India movie in surrounding areas of Bengaluru, has been injured while shooting a bomb explosion sequence, sources stated on Wednesday.
The sources explained that while shooting the bomb explosion scene, Sanjay Dutt suffered injuries on his elbow, hand and face. The shooting of the film has been halted following the incident.
Fight master Dr Ravi Varma was composing a fight for the movie. The incident had come to light lately and exact details of the incident are yet to be known. The incident had taken place at Magadi Road in Bengaluru and Sanju Baba is recovering from the injuries, sources in the film industry explained.
After KGF Chapter 1 and 2, Sanjay Dutt is enacting a villain role in the Kannada movie 'KD' against action hero Dhruva Sarja, whose teaser of 'Martin' movie has become popular.
'KD" is directed by Prem and is produced under the KVN banner. Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty is also playing a major role in the movie.
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